My International Movers

How to Move Efficiently – Time-Saving Tips for a Fast Relocation

Milly Andrews November 17, 2021
Posted November 17, 2021 In How-to, Moving Tips&Tricks,
Milly Andrews

Born and raised in Portland, Milly has had a lot of experience moving and writing about the relocation process.

If you think that an international relocation can’t be performed both quickly and successfully, we are here to convince you otherwise. Learning our tips on how to move efficiently will speed up your preparations while securing a smooth and stress-free move! And the best part? It’s not rocket science – you’ll learn the ropes in no time. Let’s begin!

Figure Out the Logistics and Create a Plan

Getting from point A to point B is easiest during a local move. Cross-country relocation brings a lot more difficulties, but it’s nothing compared to an international one. Add the coronavirus outbreak in a mix, and relocation stress will become almost inevitable. So, you must come into this fight fully armed. And what’s your armor? Good planning and organization, of course.

It doesn’t matter if you are relocating to Canada or decide to go all the way over the pond and move to the United Kingdom – you mustn’t lack organization. That is why it’s crucial to think every task through, make a relocating abroad checklist, and stick to it. And if you’re having concerns about how long it will take, remember – one of the most important parts of time management is planning ahead. When making a plan, ask yourself:

  • What goals do you want to accomplish?
  • What are your priorities?
  • How many days do you have to finish everything?

Bonus tip: remember to take breaks. Do you know what the 45/15 rule is? It means that you should work for 45 minutes and rest for 15 to stay productive throughout the day. Who would have thought that taking breaks can lead to efficiency and time-saving!

Decide Which International Moving Services Are You Going to Get

Along with gathering documents needed to travel abroad, finding the right international moving company is one of the most important tasks when relocating overseas. And be realistic – moving abroad is almost impossible without the assistance of professionals. Even if you decide to stay inside the US borders but move to Hawaii, you will need help from an overseas shipping company.

However, that is not all! Many reputable companies can offer you more than basic relocation services. It’s up to you to choose which of them you will use. How do you move efficiently is the question, and the obvious answer is by getting as much professional help as you can. If your finances allow it, consider the following:

  • Packing services – think about how many pre-move hours will be freed if you leave this task to the movers. Keep in mind that boxing up will be one of the most time-consuming tasks you’ll have. Packers, on the other hand, can do it in one day.
  • Overseas vehicle shipping – when you move to the Bahamas or some other country far, far away, you don’t have the possibility of driving to your new home. So why lose any of your precious hours on finding a separate auto transport company if your international movers can provide you with this service?
  • Storage services – if you have to move immediately and need to work fast, know that storage units can be an excellent temporary home for most of your belongings. You can always go back to them after you’ve settled in.
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How Can I Make Moving Easier, You Ask? Declutter as Much as You Can Before Packing

Purging through all of your things and getting rid of unwanted items is a task necessary whether you hire movers or opt for a DIY move. Simultaneously, the better the job you do with it, the more quickly will you be able to package your belongings. Do the simple math – fewer items mean fewer hours wasted on wrapping and boxing up. On the other hand, no matter how much you want to, you can’t get away from the fact that moving abroad is costly. Keep in mind that the weight of your shipment represents a significant factor in determining the final relocation price. With quality decluttering, you’ll speed up the relocation while simultaneously saving money.

So what to pack and what to get rid of? First of all, research the country and the city that will be your new home. If you plan on renting, find out if apartments usually come furnished or not, so you can decide what to do with some of your heaviest belongings – furniture and appliances. If the answer is affirmative, only the essentials should find their place in the truck. As for your other stuff, such as clothing, utensils, gadgets, and the like, think about how often you actually use them. Anything that hasn’t been used for more than a year and has insignificant sentimental or financial value should be left behind.

Naturally, a fast relocation won’t allow you to organize a garage sale or post your belongings online and wait for the right buyer. Instead, you should opt for throwing unusable items and donating and gifting the rest. If you’re indecisive about what to do with some belongings, ask a friend to keep them or rent a storage unit.

One more thing that separates an international move from an interstate one is that different countries have different rules regarding import. If you plan to live abroad, make sure to find out which items are banned from the country you’re relocating to before shipping overseas.

When Should You Start Packing to Move?

In ideal circumstances, the perfect timing for the beginning of the packing process would be two or three weeks before the move. It depends on whether you’re moving abroad alone or with family, the amount of stuff you will bring, and the like. However, if you’re planning a last-minute move, starting early may become impossible. So what should you do? Begin as soon as you can. If you are in a rush to move to one of the best countries to live in, ensure you first finish the most important tasks, like gathering documents, changing the address, and canceling utilities. And when all of that is done, dive right into the packing process.

Gather the Necessary Supplies (and Be Imaginative)

By gather, we don’t necessarily mean buy. Sure, you will need some new and strong cardboard, bubble wrap, packing paper, and foam peanuts for the most delicate of your items. The quality materials are there to prevent things from breaking. However, not all of your belongings are breakables, so think about:

  • Recycled boxes – not all boxes have to be new. Look for those in your basement, ask your friends, or visit local stores and ask for some. It will cost you only minutes, but you can gain so much. Remember that you shouldn’t be picky! Everything you get can be used in one way or another.
  • Homemade supplies – utilize cotton clothing, towels, rugs, or even socks as wrapping material. If you find the proper technique, even the most fragile objects can be packed this way. Keep in mind that by using clothes as supplies, you’re simultaneously packing them. How’s that for killing two birds with one stone!
  • Get creative with storage solutions – decorative baskets, laundry hampers, tupperware, all of that can be a suitable replacement for cardboard boxes. Even pots can be used for storing spices and other small objects.
  • Newspapers – you can use them for both wrapping and cushioning. However, remember that they do contain ink that can damage your belongings, so do not use them on valuables.

The Right Equipment Can Speed Up the Work

If you decide to bring furniture and other large objects for living overseas, you’ll have to acquire the equipment necessary to load them in the truck. Furniture dollies, stair rollers, sliders, and lifting straps are there to help you move your belongings promptly and, more importantly, safely. And they can even be helpful with boxes! They will allow you to move more than one box simultaneously and spare your back the pain from carrying.

Thanks to the fact that they don’t take up a lot of space, lifting straps are often the equipment of choice for both movers and non-professionals. If they become your pick, too, watch the following tutorial on how to utilize them correctly.

How to Move Efficiently? Forget Boxes – Pack Your Items as They Are

What is the most efficient way to pack for a move? Not pulling your stuff out from its current place is one of the top answers. When it comes to clothes, leave them in your dresser. To keep them protected, use a garbage bag. Get your hangers with clothes on them and start pulling the bag from the bottom of your clothing pieces. When you get to the top, secure the ties of the bag around the hanger’s neck. After finishing with all your hanging clothes, make sure to close the dresser and tape the door shut.

The same goes for any other piece of furniture that serves as a storage space (as long as it doesn’t become too heavy to carry). Just remember not to leave any sharp or breakable objects inside of drawers and cabinets. If you do, you risk damaging both your furniture and the things you keep in it.

A Few More Tips on the Most Efficient Way to Pack for Moving

When planning to live in another country and wish (or have) to relocate there as fast as possible, you should also:

  • Keep the place clear – as soon as you finish with one box, carry it to the room you dedicated for the packed stuff and leave it there – don’t let clutter pile up.
  • Don’t make sorting a priority – organizing belongings in your cartons is not the answer on how to efficiently pack to move. If you have to relocate on a tight schedule, leave the sorting for when you start to unpack.
  • Take a picture of each box – it’s much more efficient than making an inventory list and writing the content of each box. Yes, you won’t be able to see every packed item, but you will get a general idea of what’s where.
  • Try not to multitask – only when you finish with one box go to the new one.
  • Remember to pack essentials separately during moving day preparations – traveling when relocating across the world is bound to take a while. Ensure to prepare a change of clothes and snacks for you and your furry friend (if you are relocating with a dog or any other pet). Toiletries, electronics, and chargers are also considered necessities during the move overseas. Finally, remember to separate them from things that will go inside of the relocation truck and bring them with you on the road.

In What Order Should I Pack My House to Move? Use the Room-by-Room System When Filling Boxes

This advice goes hand in hand with the one mentioned above about sorting. Sure, you probably have clothes in several dressers in different rooms in your current home. However, that doesn’t mean that you must package them together. If you try doing that with every group of objects you own, soon you will be running from one room to another and losing precious time. Instead, focus on tackling one room after the other. Remember to start with storage spaces, such as the basement and garage, and finish with rooms you utilize the most, like the kitchen and bathroom.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help, Friendly or Professional

Two (or three or four) pairs of hands work faster than one, so call your friends and ask them for a favor. After all, you are relocating abroad, and a packing party can be a great opportunity for some quality time with your loved ones. And what if you want to devote yourself to some more exciting tasks, like learning a new language in order to break the language barrier? Then you call an overseas moving company and ask for their professional packers. After all, the most efficient and safest way to ship your belongings is to let trained and experienced movers do what they know best.



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