My International Movers

7 Most Common Reasons to Move Internationally

Blake Shaw November 13, 2021
Posted November 13, 2021 In Living Abroad, Moving Fundamentals,
Blake Shaw

Bostonian and residential moving and packing expert. Blake Shaw enjoys bar-hopping, music, and writing insightful content.

The decision to relocate to another country comes only after solid reasons to move. If you’re not quite sure if your intention of relocating came because of a good reason, check out the most common reasons people move. We listed them for you – check out if you recognize some of them and decide if you’d like to live the life of expatriates.

Overseas shipping is logistically and emotionally demanding, so it happens only if something strong is motivating you to do so. Otherwise, it will only stay a dream. If you really want to make it happen, check out the most frequent reasons to move out and see if you want to become one of the nine million American expats living abroad. In case you notice that some of the reasons we listed sound interesting to you, it’s probably time to move internationally.

#1 One of the Top Reasons to Move Abroad Are Better Job Opportunities

Even though the US is known as the Land of Opportunity, Americans still tend to relocate to another country because of a good employment opportunity. Many of them are learning how to get a job in Europe as an American, some are looking for jobs in Canada, and many relocate to Asian countries for work. There are numerous opportunities abroad, and taking advantage of them is only logical. Why would you settle for a low paycheck if you can work the same job (or even a new, better one) and get a higher salary? Still, money isn’t the only argument – Americans prepare their relocation questions to ask the employer and move to expand their professional experience, boost their career, have a preferred work-life balance, or simply change their work environment.

#2 Love Is Always an Answer to the Question of What Is a Good Reason for Moving

Being closer to your family is another essential thing that can motivate you to relocate across the world. If you’re separated from your kids or parents, and you wish to reunite with them, crossing oceans won’t be a problem. You could also be relocating to another country for the love of your partner if you’ve gotten tired of video calls and different time zones and you wish to spend more time with them in person. If that’s the case, make sure you’re ready for that step. This is a big decision, and it can be hard to function in a relationship while you’re also adjusting to a new environment. This move can also bring loneliness, but there’s a way to fight it. Watch the video below and catch up on some advice on how to deal with feeling lonely after relocating for love.

#3 Cutting Down Costs Can Be a Primary Reason to Leave the Country You Call Home

According to the survey made by Greenback Expat Tax Services, 86% of American expats don’t have plans to return to the US permanently, and 23% of them are seriously considering renouncing their US citizenship. One of the biggest arguments for that is the fact that the cost of living in the US is significantly higher than in many other countries overseas. It’s much easier to learn how to live abroad if you don’t have to leave half of your paycheck for rent, food, and gas. That leads many people to leave their homeland and look for a place with a more affordable cost of living.

There Are Ways to Compare the Costs You Have Now With the Ones You Can Expect

Relocating across the world shouldn’t be done without good and thorough preparation if you wish to avoid relocation stress. Once you know your future expenses, you’ll find an answer to the question of how to live in another country much easier. Luckily, today everything is available online, and you can find almost every piece of information in just a few clicks. There are useful websites like Numbeo where you can compare the prices of rent, utilities, gas, groceries, and much more. You can also contact people living abroad that are a part of some expat communities in the country you’re relocating to and ask them to share their experiences. It’s always useful to hear from someone who’s already gotten international moving services and knows what life is like at the place you’re going to.

#4 Buying a House Can Be a Reason for Moving Out of an Apartment

Are you gathering your documents needed to travel abroad because you finally want to become a proud owner of your property? Real estate is much more affordable in certain countries than in the US, so some Americans choose to leave their homeland and buy property in some other part of the world.

Maybe you can’t afford to live at the seaside in the US, but a cute little house in Greece can certainly be more on a budget. If you found a nicer home with enough space somewhere else and want to upgrade your property, shipping overseas is a good decision.

Getting a Smaller or Bigger Home You Like Is Also One of the Reasons to Move

Maybe your current family home is too big to pay for, or you plan to live alone? Is your family growing, and you need more rooms for kids? No matter if you’re downsizing or in need of more space, going abroad can also solve that problem for you.

#5 One of the Reasons to Move to a New City Can Be a Need to Have a Better Quality of Life

Another answer to the question of what is the main reason people move house is seeking an improved quality of living. A wish to change your scenery can also come from searching for a place that will offer you a lower crime rate, better weather, cheaper or improved healthcare, and alike. It’s not a secret that the US standard isn’t favorable for everyone, so relocating in order to have a long and happy life is a completely valid argument. If you’re tired of trying to make it in the US, it could be time to give some other country a shot. You’d be surprised to see how many options are there; it just takes learning how to move abroad, and you’re good to go.

You Could Be Moving Abroad If You Found a Better Area for Your Kids

Are you checking which are the best countries to live in because you’re looking for a more fitting area for your children? There’s a whole list of the best places to live abroad with a family that have everything you’re searching for – from exceptional schools and good educational opportunities to great parks and more greenery. If you wish to see your children grow in a better, safer, and more diverse environment, consider contacting an overseas moving company and relocating abroad to a place you like.

#6 Exploring and Adventure Are Also Important Reason for Moving Overseas

Leaving the country you’re born in and deciding to reside somewhere else doesn’t have to happen only because of existential arguments. If you’re hungry for some new experiences, the perfect way to change your life for good is to pack your bags and move to another continent. You’ll face breaking the language barrier, learning how to make friends when moving abroad, and experiencing an unavoidable culture shock.

If you choose to move to one of the friendliest countries in the world, you’ll get to meet so many different people, try their local dishes, see all the famous and not-so-famous attractions, and so much more. Living in a different country will bring you changes, make you grow, become more tolerant, and open to different cultures. You’ll have to adapt to something completely unfamiliar, which will result in a very beneficial effect on your personality and lifestyle.

Becoming Independent Is Crucial for Your Personal Growth

If broadening your horizons and becoming more independent is on your relocating abroad checklist, then you’re on the right track. Residing overseas will change you, put you in many situations you’ve never been in before, and test your limits. Once you leave your home and move, for example, to some of the best cities in Europe for college students, you’ll experience some challenges that will build your independence. You’ll have to learn how to act in many different situations, how to solve problems you’ve never had before, and how to stay self-reliable. This is especially true if you’re relocating abroad alone and plan on facing all the challenges by yourself. Keep in mind that this experience will change your view and perception of yourself and the world around you, and prepare yourself for that.

#7 Retirement Sometimes Also Calls for Going Abroad

Are you working days over, and you want to spend the rest of your life in some peaceful area with a mild climate and various amenities? Retired Americans often decide to leave the US and live somewhere else. Some countries have improved treatment for retired people, offer a simpler lifestyle, welfare, and more activities.

Older people also tend to migrate to be closer to their children so that they can have some assistance and someone to look after them. It’s also common for seniors to relocate to a smaller place that’s cheaper and easier for maintenance. If you’re in this situation, you’re probably thinking about migrating abroad since there are so many options available.

Call an International Moving Company and Give Yourself an Opportunity for a Fresh Start

If you decide to reinvent yourself, change your scenery, or take opportunities that life abroad offers, it’s best to move with a professional overseas shipping company. International moving by air or sea is stressful enough by itself, so use every opportunity you have to have the smoothest experience you can. A reputable company will provide you with all the services you need.

That includes overseas vehicle shipping, efficient and reliable packing services, a free storage unit for a month, and professional custom crating for your delicate items. Schedule a free home estimate, get a guaranteed price for your move, and enjoy your new beginning. No matter where you choose to go, it will be much easier to start if you have a smooth transition.



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